Toto in Rainbow Meadows

Toto our loving dog of 17 years died last week. My husband had just came home from being in the hospital for four days. He had a mini-stroke. Then Toto passed 4 days later– October 22, 2020. I haven’t been able to write since–fortunately our good friend Irene Furukawa wrote this lovely prose for Toto…

They love you oh so very, very  much, and are missing you terribly now.

You have gone to Rainbow Meadows.  All your hurting and pain are gone. You are perfect now.

Thank you Toto, for all the wonderful and marvelous everyday moments you spent and gave to your dear family.

Many of us relatives and friends of Hideki and Genie Knew and loved you.  
We will remember you with much love and affection.

Enjoy now your operfect life in Rainbow Meadows and know that your are loved by many here on Planet Earth.

Irene and Aki
Photos of Toto and Hideki by Genie Nakano

Published by genienakano

I love writing--It's my joy, my therapy--my confession. I'm a performer, dancer, yoga and meditation instructor, write a poetry column for Rafu Shimpo. Growth and love of life is a key to my happiness.

12 thoughts on “Toto in Rainbow Meadows

  1. That’s so hard. I hope that you, your husband, and Bodhi continue to heal from everything that has happened lately, but you all never forget your love for Toto.


  2. Hi Genie, So sorry to hear about Hideki and Toto.Hope Hideki is doing better.  And your heart heals for Toto.He’ll love Rainbow Meadows… Take care,June


  3. 😊

    Pamela Tanaka, RN | Nurse Case Manager
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  4. Thank you Asako that was a nice memory you shared. He must have really liked you. He is usually shy and Bodhi is the one who is the social butterfly.


  5. Hi Genie, Sorry to hear that Toto passed and now is in Rainbow Meadows. He was so sweet. I remember when I visited couple of times, he sat on my feet under the table!

    A speedy recovery for Hideki-san.

    Take care and be safe during this time. asako



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